Category: nature

Lost beauty

She was breaking and every falling ray of light on her , was splitting into a rainbow
I wished , I could tell her how beautiful she looked , her body so much like a fragile glass was letting those rainbows pour out of her pieces . I wish I could tell her it was okay to be broken , it was okay to shatter .
But she was only taught to be whole , unscratched , to not fall , to hold the screams , she was only taught to be graceful .
And when the pain had hit her , her body hadn’t known how to react , her limbs just trembled and her face grew pale like winter . She couldn’t even try to breathe or to let the wind caress her for a while . She was in disgust with herself , her existence her thoughts ..
But those were beautiful to hear when unknowing she would utter them and giggle . She lived in those moments of her imagination and it felt good to see her alive .
She was regretting and the pain was too much to bear , she was regretting walking towards her dream , breaking the rule in her book , because they never taught how to heal when you broke them .. There were petunias blooming with her tears and roses turning red with her blood .The sun was bright , glorifying her image for the left moments of her existence . She didn’t even wish anyone to come and accept her in that moment , she didn’t believe in fairy tales anymore .
And I , a mere spectator of her beauty and innocence was just waiting to carry her soul ..


Those leaves have started
To part the beloved hands
With gentle blows of the wind
To lay on the ground
And soak under
The gentleness of the sun

The benevolent souls
Will cherish the soft chirps
beneath Their feet
As they run into the arms
Of the love coming home

And how I wish to stay
Amidst the air of autumn
Sleeping as it chants in my ear
The lullabies I had forgotten
Oh ! October has finally come


Out of the ashes
Of the morbid wooden box
Catching for the breath
lit up
And the winds I heard
Was now clearer .
As the ashes met the ground
And like magic
The Box was gone
In recital of the words
Of wind
I were reborn …..

Dreary of the eyes

What do you call those eyes
lost in the blackness of
the world haunted by humans ,
afraid to swallow the stars too bright .
Where the innocence hides
beneath the bruises turning to blue
and the sparkle just floats surging
with waves that never reaches the shore… 

A walk on clouds

Let’s scroll down and stumble upon 

the strings of cloud spread all around 

generating tunes with each step unsaid 

only the rising eyes  let speak 


Let’s walk through the creases of clouds 

lined up above each other 

peeking our big head first 

then struggle with our hand 

and jump all at once 

on clouds waiting for us


Step by step let’s  put our toes first 

and fall on our heels at once 

Let’s walk towards the burning ball 

till  the warmth is enough


Let’s  sit where the clouds end

watching the sun sink down 

while I rest my head upon your arms

And let the time pass by ..



Will the remnants of my pages

Stay in the air of whirling winds

Brushing over the grave I lay in 


Will the yellow pages walk afresh 

In the streets of the world I never knew

Wandering into the playful grooves 

While I ll be sleeping  in my den



Will the words I never spoke 

Fly out of the pages turning old 

To swim in serenity with the river flow

And reach across banks i didn’t see

After my scent is no more to smell


Will the remnants of my pages

Stay in the air of whirling winds


Brushing over the grave I lay in no

Prize of sunset

As the sun sweeps down
last radiance gallops over
the whole town

I stand drenched in it’s warmth
wrapped up , slowly lifting
as the gravity has just fallen
with the prize of sunset

Under the clear halo
of crimson sky
soaked up in it’s color
I rise above

The Prince


No …!! The crown has fallen again cried the priest, as the lightening thundered in the cloudy dark night galloping the sky in its own . glasses shattered and it roared like never before  .

The flames burned enough to swallow  the castle gates  the walls  it was thrice that night that crown fell from its place waiting to meet his king. lost in the darkness priest stumbled to find it  .

Mercy  oh! mercy people were screaming running in the panic stricken castle burning in flames .it was not the end of the empire , knight knew the thunders, falling of  crown cannot let him stop , neither will he stoop . And it rained heavily like cats and dogs fire came down damage was not much but the fear emerged within the hearts but the baby slept all the time rocking in its cradle with the breeze or the winds, gently pulling and pushing the  lever .. No it was not the end but the beginning not of the empire but the crown..

The prince he was born. To relish the city with the gold’s of peace, to suffice the needs to end the sufferings not in the cradle rocking gently under the four walls  but wrapped up in rags under the bridge giggling at the sight of wrath of Gods breathing still peacefully under the storms which  denied its retreat